On Sunday morning June 22nd, the Mandello Meteor made an early morning pass, clocking a 161.048 mph run and earned her first entry into the SCTA record books. The crew for this special occasion consisted of Jon Ohnstad and the Wonderful Wyatts, Phil, Janett and son Brandon.
The ELMO wrecking crew shortly after the Mandello Meteor's 161.048 mph record pass on Sunday morning. Bill Ross and Jon Ohnstad staged near the starting line surveying the track ahead. We had good point standings from May and were amongst the first 25 to get a run in. Bill and the Meteor near the finish line at over 160 mph on our first record.
Sunrise arrives over the El Mirage dry lakebed. Norton Racer Bill Anderson and Bill near sunset on Saturday evening. Mr. Anderson is a super nice guy and has been racing a long time. No we're not actually blood related! Jon Ohnstad giving the thumbs up as we go thru the certification process in Tech. Here they sample our fuel and check the engines displacement amongst other things to verify our record. The Wyatt family are the nicest folks you will ever meet and dang can they spin the wrenches, everyone of them! Crews just don’t get any better than this! Special thanks to the Wyatt family and Jon Ohnstad for crewing this weekend!! Check out the
June, 2008, El Mirage
Photo Album for more pictures: